Saturday, December 11, 2010

Puerto Vallarta

IMG_0727IMG_0734Vallarta malacon & beach

Here is my post about Puerto Vallarta.  I don’t know what happened with that last one.  It wasn’t Vallarta.  It was Mazatlan.  Except for the last picture of me standing on a malacon (malecon? malicon?)  That was taken on the malacon in La Paz.  I just did spell check and it doesn’t know how to spell malacon either.  Does anyone have a dictionary?

I just talked to Jay on the phone.  He was surprised.  He wanted to know where I was.  He thinks he’s so funny.  But I needed to ask where we stayed with the Robles in 1966 or 67.  He said it was probably near Barceria just north of here.  We must have stayed with them for 2 or 3 weeks.  We stayed in their boat house on the beach where they stored their dugout canoes.  That was where the scorpions dropped out of the palm leaf roof down onto where we slept.  Luckily nothing got us.  I might try to go there tomorrow if I can.

The top picture is a side street right off the beach where, possibly, I drank out of a spigot back when.  I really remember that because I knew I shouldn’t because it could make me really sick but I was so thirsty.  So I took pictures of several side streets to show Jay to see if he remembers.  He remembers an amazing amount of stuff from back then.  It was really great talking to him awhile ago, to have him remind me of the sequence of things, how we got here (he rode on the running board of a truck to get here!  It’s a wonder he didn’t fall off and get hurt.),  where we went first, where we came here from, (Tepic), so much. 

The next picture is the church and the last the malacon along the bay.

Our ship is docked across the street from Wal mart and a mall that has a Starbucks in it.  I bought a liter of water at Wal mart this morning.  It was only one dollar as opposed to nine dollars here on the boat.  And then went next door to the mall for the first real espresso I’ve had since I left Fort Collins, Colorado on the second.  Tomorrow we leave for Cabo in the afternoon.

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