Monday, May 28, 2012

Joe & Amanda move to Missouri

 I don't know if you can see the mountains.  I think they're the San Juan's down by Alamosa.  Anyway, it was REALLY blowing and that is a dust storm obscuring an entire mountain range southeast of the highway going to New Mexico.  It was really blowing. 
Loading up for the move to Missouri from Albuquerque, 1200 miles plus away.  My poor car is really sitting low.  Joe loaded everything in the trailer and was soooo hot and sweating.
This isn't a very clear picture.  Joe is sitting in the car port/porch on his computer and listening to Stephanie Miller.  Amanda's family is very nice.  Her Aunt Jill came over last night and I have to say that I identified particularly with her.  We had a very nice discussion about books... almost all night.  One of my favorite things.  OK.  Amanda's sister just got here so I have to do more later.


  1. I'd love to see more photos of their new home in Missouri!

    1. I have more photos. I'm leaving for Iowa tomorrow morning but I'll put up some more photos of their new abode. Maybe I'll try to take better ones. The country side is so vast and rolling and almost primordially treed that it doesn't lend itself to a little digital camera.

  2. Joe moved to Misery!??? The world just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

    1. Amanda needs to take care of her grandmother for awhile. I liked it there... but of course, I like Iowa too.
