Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Grayling & the AuSable

Jay and Brit coming out of Gates' AuSable Fly Shop restaurant. That's the AuSable there behind the building.

We're back in lower Michigan after a couple days in the Upper Peninsula visiting Dave Loup, an old school friend of Jay's. I didn't have any access to wireless up there, (It's REALLY the back woods!! We kept looking out the window as we drove along and saying, "This is the NORTH WOODS!!). Dave has gotten so north woods he keeps punctuating every other thing he says with "A?" He told us about a really great deal a friend, who owns a bicycle shop, had in a new bike for half price. Only when we got there, it was sold. It wasn't what I wanted anyway. It was a Townie. After riding Rhonwyn's bike down there in Miami everywhere, I kind of thought I might like to get one of my own. Anyway, we went on over to Escanaba where Dave had another friend with a bike shop who had a sale on a girl's mountain bike, so I bought it. I didn't think to take a picture of it strapped to the top of our trailer. I'll do that later. Right now I'm sitting in the McDonalds in Grayling where there is wireless. Jay and Brit are fishing, of course. It rained last night... again. Thank heavens I thought to bring everything in before we went to bed. It was nice and sunny yesterday, but I saw clouds building up before dark. We're getting anxious to get home.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Wreck of It All

You may recognize this windshield. It is the windshield of our Honda Odyssey, right in front of Jay's face minutes after a stupid deer barreled into it at about 30 miles an hour, while we were going 45 miles an hour. I don't know how much an hour that adds up to, but it was enough to wreck our car... and throw the deer clear back across the road where he came from... dead as a door nail!!!! We are at this moment stuck in a place called Petoskey in Michigan, waiting for a local windshield repair place to get in a windshield for a Honda Odyssey and put it in tomorrow so we can continue on our way up to the Upper Peninsula to visit Jay's old school friend, Dave Loup.
Here is the historic old hotel where we are staying in Petroskey. We keep looking suspiciously down the old long halls and into the sitting rooms and dining rooms for suspicious behavior because it is sooooo like old English Inns where Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot encountered murders and intrigue. It's great!!! We love it!!! We sat out there on that long veranda for a long time just being that way (Even tho nothing happened to us and it was actually pretty cold from the breeze blowing in off Lake Michigan that you can see there in the distance.) After awhile we gave up on something occurring and wandered down to the beach to try to find a famous Petroskey stone... but didn't.

Our poor car! I love this car!!!! I hate this!!!!!!! We are going to get the windshield fixed, but will wait till we get back to Laramie and our Honda mechanics there to fix the body damage. We just hope the tire doesn't scrape from the fender being bent in like that. What are people going to think seeing us driving around like some kind of junky hillbillies?

We had a good time tonight in the pub in the basement of this big old hotel. There was live entertainment and he was really good. Just one old guy with a really well micked acoustic guitar. Singing old time rock and roll and Beatles songs. ( He probably shouldn't have tried to sing that Elvis song tho.) They had a really interesting menu. Every entry had at least one item we couldn't figure out. I was waffling between 2 things, mainly because I wasn't sure what a couple of the ingredients were. One was a wrap with whole wheat lavash and we didn't know what lavash was. Jay asked the waiter if it was lifestyle. After he quit laughing he said it was a tortilla. I don't know why they couldn't have said that in the first place.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mechanicsburg, PA ... Eckelsburg rather

This is a plaque put up by the DAR, honoring Revolutionary War soldiers from the Mechanicsburg area. Our ancestor, Nathaniel Eckels, is listed on here as a private in the war for independence. He was born on the boat over here in 1744 and since he died in 1830, was, apparently, not killed in the revolutionary war.
The Mechanicsburg, PA cemetery at Silver Springs. This cemetery is full of Eckels stones a few of which I recognized and two at least of which my family is directly descended from. The building in this cemetery picture was the site of the signing of the Declaration of Independence by three signers who Jay says were attorneys. I have a pamphlet that tells about it, but I don't know where it is offhand, so I can't say for sure. None of my relations though, I don't think. There were also Clendenons buried here and Hustons, which we are also related to. Mechanicsburg was pretty much where the first Eckels came to from the old country in about 1750, and all stayed until my (our for those of you related) great great whatever, James Starr Eckels, moved to Illinois in 1850.
This here is Jane Starr's grave stone. These stones aren't very clear and easy to make out, but I know she's buried here and this is next to William Eckels' stone, who was her husband. She was his second wife and her cousin, Hannah Starr, was his third. Hannah is buried here also. James Starr Eckels was Jane and William's son.
This is William Eckels' gravestone. He had three wives. His father was Nathanial, who, it's said, was born on the boat over from Ireland in 1744. My grandfather Herron Eckels, always said he was Scot, so I think the Eckels left Scotland because of religious persecution and went to Ireland then here.

Brit singing

I hope this comes out OK. I had a hard time getting it to download. I made a few videos last night with my camera and thought I would send one. We had our Edwards get together yesterday evening and had a lot of fun.