Saturday, February 26, 2011

my saturday

I'm trying to upload a picture and write under it, but I don't think that's happening here.

Anyway, here's one of Rhonwyn and Steve's outdoor cats. She's really old and getting scraggly looking. I don't think you can see it here, but her eyes are so intensely communicative through that back door. She's the only outdoor cat that seems to like human company. When I sit at the table there in the back yard, she lies under the table while I'm there. Rhonwyn said this cat was here when they bought the house.

They are having coon problems. They used to have really big fish in their outdoor fish pond, I can't remember what they were called, but the coons have eaten them all. Rhonwyn went outside and actually caught one coon with a big fish in its mouth, eating it. She has a big stick out the side door and tries to run them off but they just hiss at her and actually fight back. Not a good situation.

Here's a better picture of Rhonwyn's bike that I'm getting around on. I get a lot of comments and compliments on it. It's good for me for when I start wobbling I can, hopefully, just drop my feet and stand up. that's not necessarily what happens, but that's what I hope will happen. Yesterday I looked behind me once for traffic and went down, thankfully onto the grass, and today a woman jogging with a stroller stopped suddenly in front of me and I whacked my arm on a metal parking ticket machine stopping myself from hitting the sidewalk.

I met Bryan in downtown Coconut Grove for coffee at Starbucks this morning. He's so funny. We went to a Farmer's Market there and he wanted to lie down under a big old spreading Banyon, or whatever, tree for a nap. I asked him why he was so tired, it was only noon or thereabouts, and he told me he'd been worrying so about getting up in time to catch the two buses and the train to make it out to Coconut Grove to meet me at Starbucks at the agreed upon time of 10 am that he was awake at 4. I've got to figure out how to get to his house so I can go there to pick him up.

Rhonwyn and Steve are in Key West today. They left yesterday and will be back tomorrow.


  1. That is an amazing bike! Is it comfortable? My advice for riding is to assume that everyone is gunning for you. ;-)

  2. Actually, it was very comfortable to ride. And easy too! Everybody asked me about it and told me they liked it. Of course, I had to tell them that it didn't belong to me... but still!
