Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here's Ken selling books at the counter. This view is from the front door. The first floor seating is there on the left with the book shelves extending to the back, with the door into the espresso bar at the back.
This is the upstairs seating. There is a couch facing two wing back chairs between windows looking out over the street. there are three tables up here, along with the mystery section, (my favorite) westerns, the children's section and several non-fiction sections.
The door through to another bookstore, a new bookstore, called The Second Story owned by the owners of the building, is at the back of this room and leads to the commercial kitchen where Ken and Melodie's baker bakes the pastries and soups they serve.

Here's Melodie, soooooooo happy, that they made some money after all their efforts and expense trying to get this espresso business up and running. Look at the wads of money she's clutching in her sweaty little paws! What a crazy girl! That's their new used commercial espresso machine sitting beside her, that she, or for that matter, none of us, knew how to run just yesterday! It didn't seem to matter to all the people who came in to get a latte and pastry. They did a really good business their first day so we can only hope it keeps up so they can pay their bills that they have piled up with this expansion.

A new espresso bar for Laramie, Wyoming!!!

So Melodie and Ken finally bit the bullet and went for it! They suffered weeks of disruption and mess in their bookstore to put in an espresso bar in the back of their bookstore, plus expanding said bookstore into the upstairs of the building. They have doubled the size of the bookstore (the space upstairs is the same size as the original space downstairs.), doubled the size of their employees, (EEEKKK!!! How are they going to pay them!!!) that's Ken, awake and worrying, in the middle of the night. And, now, they have no family life because they are open 7 days a week from 8 in the morning till 6 at night, theoretically. But they CAN'T close at 6, because people are just getting their second wind and want some more cappuccino so they're knocking on the door!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

I tried to get pictures of CocoWalk styles, but only got a few in the Starbucks that I've been going to there. Women wear tall boots, high, high heels, tight pants and carry big purses. The men, not so much.

Here's Rhonwyn's water exercise class. There are a few regulars that come every time, but different ones each time too. The pool isn't deep. These people are standing on the bottom. Rhonwyn doesn't get wet, unless inadvertently! Though no one TRIES to get her wet, at least, that I ever saw. She's not feeling too hot today. She had a bridge taken out and some kind of post put into her gums to attach future teeth onto. The dentist drilled right up into her sinuses, she said. It's hard to believe, I know. What was he thinking!!! That can't be good!

That's me in the first water picture in the blue suit with the pink tube.

I need to make a correction to my earlier blog about the Jersey Boys concert. It wasn't The Four Tops... it was The Four Seasons. Rhonwyn wanted to make sure I mentioned that SHE said it was Seasons... while STEVE said it was Tops. He knew better, he was just being obstructive.

Last night Rhonwyn and I went to a place called Prana Yoga. We took a class called Kundalini Yoga. A lot of the poses I had done before, but found that I couldn't do anymore. It was kind of upsetting. When did that happen?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wednesday in Coconut Grove

This morning, Rhonwyn and I met Bryan at Starbucks down the street from where Rhonwyn and Steve live. It's the one that Jay and I always went to when we were down here a couple years ago. I didn't know how to get to it, but going there with Rhonwyn, I got it straight in my head. See Bryan's notepad and book under his hat? He writes a lot and has several journals. Hopefully, he can get his writing into a good organization and readable for others on his computer. That's what I thought when I saw all of them, anyway. He says he's thought of that too.

Rhonwyn and I went for a belly dancing lesson last night. The woman with the blue top and spangles on her bottom is the instructor. She was good at it. And it's not as easy to shake and shimmy various parts of your body as you'ld think. For instance, bending your knees a little, really fast. That was the hardest for me. It was all pretty crazy, but it was like my brain couldn't process what it wanted my body to do.

In about an hour we're going to see The Jersey Boys at the Arsht Center-Ziff Ballet Opera House. I'm excited about this because I liked The Four Tops back when, and I've seen them advertised and they sound pretty good. So that's what we're going to be doing in a little while.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

warm weather

Rhonwyn had a REALLY large water yoga class yesterday afternoon. twenty people in the pool. they were a happy bunch... and Rhonwyn does a really good stand-up schtick. Like she was born to it... Oh right!!! She was!!! Since this blog goes out to mostly Edwardses, you all know what I mean. I never met an Edwards that wasn't an entertainer in some way or other, and being around some of them that are far away from the others it's not hard to figure out that it's innate. This goes for Bryan too. Bryan's last name may be Newman but he's as Edwards as any of them. Since I haven't taken any pictures lately, I downloaded a picture of some Adams. One of these children is Alice Adams' father. And the adults are her grandfather and grandmother Adams.

Well, Rhonwyn is picking me up to go get a belly-dancing lesson in about 10 minutes, so I need to go outside to waitl