Sunday, March 13, 2011

A new espresso bar for Laramie, Wyoming!!!

So Melodie and Ken finally bit the bullet and went for it! They suffered weeks of disruption and mess in their bookstore to put in an espresso bar in the back of their bookstore, plus expanding said bookstore into the upstairs of the building. They have doubled the size of the bookstore (the space upstairs is the same size as the original space downstairs.), doubled the size of their employees, (EEEKKK!!! How are they going to pay them!!!) that's Ken, awake and worrying, in the middle of the night. And, now, they have no family life because they are open 7 days a week from 8 in the morning till 6 at night, theoretically. But they CAN'T close at 6, because people are just getting their second wind and want some more cappuccino so they're knocking on the door!!

1 comment:

  1. Shoot, if I lived in Laramie I'd be knocking on their door right now to help caffeinate me while I write my human behavior paper! I wish them luck, but something tells me they ain't gonna need it---they're natural business-people with a knack for sensing just what a community needs.
